How It All Began

From the start of my business, Simply Flamazing Art, I have had the fundamental belief that we grow when we help other's grow. I have loved art my entire life, and since starting Simply Flamazing Art I discovered how much I truly loved teaching, being part of collaborations, and connecting with other creative business owners.

The Creative Course Collab is the manifestation of my passion for art, my love to teach and my desire to connect with other creative business owners.

Simply Flamazing Art

I started Simply Flamazing Art in 2020, the year the world will never forget! The year we all were looking forward to, the year that no more got started before it all came to screeching halt with the world shutting down due to COVID19. Yeah that year. The year that was so ugly, that was so lonely, and devastating for many. The year that we all just wanted to go away and never think of again. I have often heard that in devastation there is also beauty, I can't say I have actually witnessed it until then. Simply Flamazing Art, for me, was the beauty in that year.

When work sent us home, and there wasn't much to do I pulled out my art supplies and started playing with them, I posted a few pictures from time to time on my social media account. I painted some Flamingos for my sister and comments from that lead me to taking the plunge to teach others. My love of art, and teaching others put me on this wild ride that has been amazing, and brought so many people into my life that I am so grateful and thankful for. If you are reading this, you are one of those people. If you are an old friend or someone who is new to me, I am grateful for you!

Creative Course Collab

The Creative Course Collab is a special place where Creatives and Creative Business Owners connect.

Benefits of the Creative Course Collab

  • Online Tutorials you Can Take At Your Own Time and Pace

  • Support from the Community of Artists, and Creatives to Ask Questions, Get Help

  • Easy to Follow Step by Step Tutorials

  • Easy to Access Online Portal to Access All of the Tutorials in One Place

  • Access the Course/Tutorials as Many Times and As Much As You Want!

  • On Trend Tutorials That You Will Love

  • Learn From Some Of The Best Creatives In The Industry

  • Access to Exclusive Private Community Just For the Creative Course Collab Community

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